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5 Reasons Why European Women Love American Men

5 Reasons Why European Women Love American Men

Foreign women are not stupid, they have a clear idea of what is good and what is wrong for them, especially after experiencing unhealthy behavior from the local guys. Ergo, European girls aspire to meet and marry Americans since they yearn for marriage with European girls. In 2022, there were 67.85 million married men which demonstrates the adequate attitude of Americans to marriage. 

But let’s look at the other 5 reasons why European girls are so attracted to Americans:

#1 American guys have a great sense of humor

Let me get this straight, humor is a subtle thing and Americans tend to not cross the line when joking about serious things. They rarely use sexist or homophobic jokes compared to European guys. 

sens of humor

#2 American males are romantic and treat ladies better

For instance, the number of single women prevails males in Ukraine. It makes a lot of local males a tad picky. Some of them don’t even want a serious relationship and decide to lovebomb their partners. 

Americans on the contrary show romantic gestures and shower their European women with gifts, even on first dates.

#3 Americans are hot 

Their sexiness is reflected in their looks and confidence. American men own enticing values, like determination, seriousness, and empathy. These qualities make them extremely sexy among women. A lot of modern guys shape up at the local gyms, and dab on casual clothing that highlights their impressive physique. 

american men

#4 Americans are thankful

They don’t take their women for granted. Every effort counts. They especially appreciate girls who text first and find women asking them out on a date amusing. If you cook or spruce up the house, expect him to prepare a romantic dinner for you or take you out on a date. This is his American way to thank you for all the things you’ve done. 

#5 American males are generous

Many European men endorse the equality policy only when it’s beneficial for them. I’m talking about dates that end with splitting bills. And it is okay for many European females. 

However, American men see nothing weird about paying for a woman. Plus, these guys adore presenting special gifts to their ladies no matter the occasion. By the way, there shouldn’t be any occasion necessarily. The gift involves everything, starting from flowers to a successful and engaging date.  

Final word

I would like to wrap this all up with another crucial fact: Americans are more ready to commit to European girls. It especially appeals to marriage. Americans rarely date for years before popping the question. An American guy who likes a woman will eventually ask her to move in together which can lead to engagement shortly.

Anthony Smith
Chief Editor
Hello dear users! I am Anthony Smith and i am your relationship advisor. Having a vast experience in the dating industry, having researched it himself, write articles on the site about Slavic and European girls with statistics and interesting facts.
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